Welcome to the OneZoom tree of life explorer...

The Tree of Life shows how all life on Earth is related. In our interactive tree of life you can explore the relationships between 2,235,473 species and wonder at 105,463 images on a single zoomable page. Each leaf represents a different species, and the branches illustrate how these many species evolved from common ancestors over billions of years. Explore the relationships between species, learn about their common ancestors, or embark on a guided tour around the tree. Zoom around the tree to be amazed by the diversity of life on Earth.

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OneZoom is a registered non-profit in the UK, all our products are available for free. Help us raise awareness about the variety of life on earth and the need to conserve it! 955 people like you have helped us by making donations. Their names have appeared as sponsors on 1622 leaves of our tree of life leaves of our tree of life.

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What we've been up to...

  • 18 January 2025

    Version 4.1 of OneZoom (“rainforest_rocket_frog ”) is now live. As with 4.0, guided tours around the tree are available, but there have also been a number of usability and visualization fixes behind the scenes, thanks to our wonderful team of volunteers.
  • 24 April 2024

    Version 4.0 of OneZoom (“paradoxial_frog”) is now live. A lot has changed, but the biggest new feature is that you can now take guided tours around the tree using our new TreeTour function.
  • 12 September 2023

    The Guardian features One Zoom as one of its 50 weirdest, most wonderful corners of the web .

  • 30 November 2022

    OneZoom features as an interactive part of The Whole of Nature – Forces, Orders, Boundaries exhibition at the Museum of Nature Hamburg, Germany. The exhibition combines science and art to show how nature can be ordered.
  • 29 September 2022

    Donors can now renew their support of sponsored leaves. Sponsorships are only for a four year period, however those who do not renew will remain on our tree of life for the time being. Donors will get an e-mail reminder before their sponsored leaves expire.