Send in your own comments
If you like our tree of life explorer, please e-mail us your comments to add to this page.

The OneZoom software in its most basic form was released in October 2012. It's already been used as a source of natural history information by a million unique users. In addition, this software has been used in more specific science and education settings, including as an interactive display at museums and exhibitions around the globe. OneZoom has been adapted to solve other data visualisation problems such as human genealogy.

Our tree of life visualisations have been used prominently in The Ancestor's Tale (2nd edition), by Richard Dawkins & Yan Wong (2016). They were also adapted by renowned artist Naziha Mestaoui for use at the core of One Tree One Planet in Florida (2017)
Attendance at events
- Bugs Birds and Beasts day, Imperial College Silwood Park campus. 31st August 2021
- A new OneZoom museum exhibit is launched as part of Darwin and Dinosaurs at the Museum of Idaho. 28th September 2019
- Science On Tap: Tree of Life Movie Night at the Florida Museum. This event featured an interactive "One Tree, One Planet" projection of the tree of life, created using the OneZoom tree visualisation engine. 25th April 2018
- The Linnean Society Tree of life presentation by Yan Wong and James Rosindell, 5th December 2017
- OneTree, One Planet: a projection of a version of the OneZoom tree of life onto the Florida Museum of Natural History 16-18 November 2017.
- Big Biology Day Hills Road Cambridge, 14th October 2017
- Ten years on the EDGE of existence Zoological Society of London 10th October 2017
- Eco Fun Palace, in association with the Linnean Society of London 8th October 2017
- Curiosity Carnival Oxford Botanic Gardens 29th September 2017
- The Ancestor's Trail 29th July 2017
- Silwood Park Bugs day 24th July 2017
- Oxford Botanic Garden International Fascination of Plants Day 21st May 2017
- The Linnean Society Tree of life presentation by Yan Wong and James Rosindell, 27th April 2017
- Eco Fun Palace, London 2 October 2016 in association with the Linnean Society
- Science Museum Lates, London 31 August 2016
- The Ancestor's Trail 30-31 July 2016
- Cheltenham Science Festival 10-11 June 2016
- Oxford University Natural History Museum 28 April 2016
- The Ancestor's Trail 20 August 2015
- Cheltenham Science Festival 6 June 2015
- Imperial Festival 8-10 May 2015
- Cheltenham Science Festival 3-8 June 2014
- WowHow at the Oxford University Natural History Museum 15th March 2014
- Science Uncovered at the Nautral History Museum 27th September 2013
- Imperial Festival 2-4 May 2013
Known reuse of our software
- Pavel Linhart - tetrapod sounds
- Phylogenetic Tree on Flagellate Plants, University of Florida
- OneTree, One Planet, Florida Museum
- EDGE of existence programme at ZSL
- Ape Alliance
- birdtree.org
- birdtree.org (updated version)
- ZoomPast.com human genealogy explorer
- FSYXW.com
- FSYXW.com forum
- Clickme on Github - An R interface for OneZoom
- Plant tree (latin only) for Professor Doug Soltis
- Plant tree (latin only - alternative layout)
Please also see our page about installations of OneZoom on touch screen kiosks at public venues such as museums.

Using OneZoom software in your webpage or at your exhibition? Please let us know so you can be listed here too.
Media coverage
- ZSL wild science podcast
- ZSL blog
- An interview of James Rosindell and Yan Wong by Daniel Cressey, a reporter for Nature in London. Read the full interview text or the finished blog post
- Why Evolution is True
- Oxford today
- Family Tree Magazine
- BBC News
- BBC World Service Science Hour
- blog.willyvanstrien.nl
- Charity insights blog
- Eureka
- Science magazine
- Science magazine further coverage
- BBC world service Science in Action
- ITV news
- Science Daily
- Science Daily further coverage
- Popular Science
- BBC Wildlife Magazine (January 2013)
- British Jounral of General Practitioners
- NRC-Handelsblad
- Thenakedscientists.com genetics podcast.
- SchoolScience.co.uk
- RichardDawkins.net
- teachersfirst.com
- National Education Association
- Veterinary Sciences Tomorrow
- 20minutos.es
- ABC Spanish
- British Columbia News
- European Commission Resarch and Innovation
- Caracol Radio
- F1000
- visua.ly
- Metro News - Canada
- NTN24
- emol.com
- 33rd Square
- Policy Options (Canada)
- ScienceVisualization.com
- Planet Earth Online (NERC)
- It's Okay to be smart.com
- omixon.com
- Visualoop.com
- ScienceCodex
- Imperial College London
- University of Idaho
- Simon Fraser University
- Openhelix Blog
- British Library Blog
- Rod Page's Blog
- The Beast, the Bard and the Bot (WordPress)
- Inquirebotany.org
- Amazing science
- A reluctant Apostate Blog
- Coastal Pathogens
- alphagalileo.org
- Phys.org
- Phys.org further coverage
- Evolutionary Psychology Yahoo group
- RedOrbit
- treevis.net
- Imperial TV (STOIC)
- champagnewhisky.com
- champagnewhisky.com further coverage
- Kyle Yuan Blog at MIT
- Dr. Yan Wong personal blog
- PLoS Biologue
- CFAX1070 live interview
- Journal of Ecology Podcast
- Promega Connections (WordPress)
- Xatakaciencia.com
- Inventor's Corner
- ibest News
- Pinterest postings
- Big Times
- PLOS blogs further coverage
- Cabbages of Doom Blog
- Treeoflife.net.au
- British Library Blog
- Londonist.com
- All the dirt on gardening blog
- BBC Radio 4 Saturday Review (20m 30s in)
- The Telegraph
- Design Week .co.uk
- The Guardian
- Wired
- The Lancet
- Brilliant Botany.com
- Neuo Science Stuff Blog
- British Library Press Release