Thank you for sponsoring a leaf on our tree of life
To be emailed a reminder about your sponsorships, and a sharable link to your personal donations page, just enter your details in the box above.
OneZoom is a registered non-profit in the UK, all our products are available for free and with no advertising. Your donation will help us in our aim to provide easy access to scientific knowledge about biodiversity and evolution, and raise awareness about the variety of life on earth together with the need to conserve it.
To thank you for your donation, we put your name (or the name of a nominated friend or relative) on a leaf of your choice on our tree of life explorer. Sponsorship is for four years. After this point you need to make another donation to renew your sponsorship, if you want it to remain on the tree.

Note that if you were among the first people to ever sponsor a leaf (thanks if so!), the COVID crisis hit just at the moment when renewals would have been needed. We decided that this wasn't a good time to ask our supporters for further donations and so we extended sponsorships for free over that period.
Questions about your sponsorships
Q: What do I have to do now if I want to renew?
A: Nothing, just wait and check back later, also check your e-mails.
Q: What will it cost to renew?
A: The cost of sponsoring any leaf depends on how popular that leaf is according to our popularity index. The more charismatic and well known a species is, the large the donation required is likely to be. Our index of popularity may have changed since your first sponsored and your species may therefore have increased or decreased in popularity. If that happened then the price of sponsorship may increase or decrease as well. We do offer a discount to anyone renewing so you don't have to donate as much as a person sponsoring that leaf for the first time.
Q: Why aren't the sponsorships forever?
A: We need to be able to sustain OneZoom as a community resource in the long term. If we made sponsorships last forever it would limit our ability to get ongoing funding for our activities. You do get the first refusal to renew sponsorship on all your leaves.
Q: What happens if I don't renew?
A: Your sponsorship text would be removed from the tree and another person could choose to sponsor your leaf if they wanted. Only one name is allowed on each leaf so once it's yours, you have it until you choose not to renew. If you miss the renewal of your leaf and it hasn't been sponsored by anyone else you can always recover it and return your sponsorship text to the tree, but it would be treated as a new sponsorship so you would no longer get the renewal discount.
Q: How does the page listing all my sponsored leaves work?
A: We assign you a username based on your name (if your name is already public on the tree) or based on the name of a species you've sponsored (if your name is not already public). A page is created with a URL based on your username and you can share this page to show all your sponsored leaves. In case you don't want a public page, you also have the option to disable it.